
  • 홈으로
  • Eyelids
  • Incisional Blepharoplasty procedure
[ Incisional Blepharoplasty procedure ]
Duration of procedure
Local anesthesia with light sedation
Stitch Removal
4 days After the Surgery
Recovery Period
Normal activities after 2 days, 70% swelling resolution with 7days (almost same as non-incision technique)
What is JJ Incisional blepharoplasty?
This method makes an incision and removes the fat, muscle and reset the levator muscle tension to make a double eyelid line in a single eyelid patient.
Who is JJ Incisional blepharoplasty for?
  1. Clients who have sagging eyes or excess fat on their eyelids
  2. Clients who need bigger or higher eyes (patients in need of stronger levator palpebrae muscles)
  3. Clients who have thick eyelids
  4. Clients who want clear line on their eyelids that will not loosen easily.
  5. Clients who need reoperation from previous unsatisfactory procedure
Concern about long recovery period and remaining scar
Many people worry about long recovery period and scar because this method makes bigger incisions compared to non-incision and partial incision methods. Actually, recovery period is not prolonged by incisional procedure if only done in a meticulous manner, because wound healing and swelling is not depend on the length of the incision but the severity of the surgical trauma and height of the designed line. In my practice, the recovery time for incisional blepharoplasty is almost same with non-incisional procedure. Within 7 days, 70% of the swelling can be faded and can get back to normal daily life. Although the scar on the line is inevitable, it can be well hidden in the natural skin crease and make the skin fold naturally. So, even in the first procedure, we can
Inside and Outside Folds
The lid margin may be closed (“inside fold”) or open (“out¬side fold”) at the medial end according to whether or not the two upper outlines of the eye, the edge of the skin fold and the true lid margin with the eyelashes, are joined together medially. In an eye with an inside fold, the trans¬verse skin fold is conjoined to the epicanthal fold. To open medially, the fold crease should be located separately and higher than the start of the epicanthal fold. Currently, one of the most popular lid margin shapes is midway between the inside and outside folds(In/out fold). However, there cannot be a position midway between open and closed. Therefore, in the “in/out” or “neutral” fold, the medial side is open with a small gap, but the height of the double lid gradu¬ally increases laterally. Thus, it is actually an outside fold, but because of its minimal opening medially and increas¬ing height laterally, it can be seen as an inside fold from a distance (Fig. 6).
In-fold out-fold in/out-fold
Three types of double fold. The lid margin may be closed (“inside” fold) or open (“outside” fold) at the medial end according to whether or not the two upper outlines of the eye, the edge of the skin fold and the true lid margin with the eyelashes, join together medially. (c) In the “in/out” or “neutral” fold, the medial side is open with a small gap, but the height of the lid margin is gradually increasing laterally

'Appropriate line height' is more important than in/out shape'

Too vertical and strong Epicanthal fold
Inout-fold impossible, In-fold operation is recommended
However, even in the in-fold shape, the double eyelid fold should begin as early as possible from the innermost side. If the inner line is too low, it looks narrow and smaller palpebral aperture.
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JJ 홍진주성형외과에서는 환자분의 상담을 위해 아래와 같은 개인정보를 수집하고 있습니다.

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보존 항목 : 환자 온라인 상담자료
보존 근거 : 병원내부방침
보존 기간 : 회원탈퇴시까지
